Espionage Spies and Shadow Warriors

Japanese Intelligence in the United States Prior to World War II Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of your enemy is vital to your success in any situation. When, in 2012, I began my journey of verifying the claim there were no Japanese spies in the United States or observing within US Territory prior to WWII, …

When a Book Wants to be Written

When a book wants to be written there is no stopping the steam engine bursting with ideas and material that charges you way. For Orchids of War I experienced one miracle after another that led to information I would never have found . My research was enhanced by the amazing, serendipitous encounters with people, objects, …

V-J Day

Victory over Japan Day On Friday, August 10, 1945, Emperor Hirohito urged Japan’s War Council to submit a formal declaration of surrender through ambassadors to the Allies. Even though Japan’s war causalities had been great, most of their fleet destroyed and their people were starving, it took a second atomic bomb, dropped on Nagasaki, three …

War Bonds

The Homefront Fight to support U.S. Troops during World War II From Girl Scouts, to movies stars like Bette Davis, Greer Garson and Rita Hayworth, to the sports world offering special events, many gave their time and talent to entice Americans to buy war bonds. Thus, all worked together toward supporting the troops with much …

D-Day Mistakes, Madness and Miracles –The First Wave–The 80th Anniversary

The few living survivors of the ‘First Wave’ at D-Day that I was able to interview before they passed all concur on one thing—tragic mistakes were made that morning of June 6, 1944, costing thousands of Allied lives. For starters, the landing parties headed ashore later in the day than planned. They missed the opportunity …


The Battle That Turned the Tide of WWII Midway – The name echoes through history as the fierce battle between two warring giants over these three small atolls, Sand Island, Eastern Island with Spit Island nestled between them. The potential they held not only demonstrated the first real victory for America over the Empire of …

Battle of the Coral Sea

Between the island of New Guinea and Australia lies the Coral Sea, with the Solomon Islands just beyond. While later in World War II, major conflicts would rage in the Solomon’s, the likes of Guadalcanal, few are familiar with the most important sea battle known by the Aussie’s as “The Battle that saved Australia”. The …